Well Beyond Care Goes Live


Well Beyond Care LogoProject Balance works extensively in the international development arena supporting the development of tools used for monitoring and evaluation of large US and nonprofit funded healthcare and agriculture program outside of the United States. We are also known for building data capture applications, data warehouses and data visualizations for large organizations. About this time last year Project Balance was approached by Well Beyond Care, an Austin-based startup, to build out their web application which provides a marketplace for Careseekers to match, hire, schedule and pay Caregivers. With 65 thousand people retiring every day and a market of 120 million people in need of home care, getting involved with Well Beyond Care seemed like a great opportunity. Jeffrey Fry, the CEO and founder of Well Beyond Care said “After two failed attempts writing the software application, I did not think that the site could be built and I thought if it could be developed, it would cost as much as 5 time more than expected.”

Working with Well Beyond Care opens a completely new kind of development opportunity for us – developing a transactional, consumer focused eCommerce web application with 24×7 support.  We convened a team of highly skilled programmers, designers and testers from Austin, Boston, South Africa and India. We applied our agile and disciplined approach to the requirements and development with a special emphasis on making sure the user interface is easy-to-use, easy to understand and attractive. We went live on July 27th and the feedback has been very positive.