For those of you in the international development sector and involved with PEPFAR’s MER reporting indicators, I’m sure you are busy making changes…

Stacey Berlow | Managing Partner
Stacey founded Project Balance in 2003 and has helped companies successfully and cost-effectively realize their business goals in the United States, China, and Africa. Stacey is certified PMI Project Management Professional as well as an PMI Agile Certified Professional and Scrum Master. She has managed multi-million, large-scale, multinational, and offshore IT development projects. Stacey holds Engineering and Operations Research Master Degrees from Cornell and Columbia Universities. She has published a broad array of articles on product and project development and is a frequent speaker at industry conferences and other engagements. Stacey lives in Austin, TX and is an avid Austin music fan.
[email protected] | 914.659.0078 | LinkedIn
What I learned from Chopped – The value of constructive feedback
My favorite television show is Chopped, found on Tuesday evenings in the US on Food Network. Every show is set up exactly the same: as Ted Allen, the show’s host, explains…
Disciplined Agile – What’s It All About?
It’s been just over 20 years since a group of seasoned software developers and managers came together to hash out what we know today as the Agile Manifesto. “Traditional” project management focuses on gathering all of the requirements up front…
Project Balance Joins Well Beyond Care at HFMA Annual Conference
Project Balance joined Well Beyond Care, an Austin-based startup, at the Health Financial Management Association's (HFMA) annual conference in Las Vega, June 25th and 26th, 2018. Well Beyond Care was one of 12 companies to will booth space in the...
Project Balance helps CRS to build an innovative risk management system
In a recent article by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) published on, CRS highlights their very successful food monitoring program (USAID funded) in Ethiopia as part of the Joint Emergency Operation (JEOP). This program focuses on...
Data Security & Privacy – MERL Tech presentation spurs action from the Project Balance team
I had the opportunity to attend MERL Tech (September 7-8, 2017 Washington, DC). I was struck by the number of very thoughtful and content driven sessions. Coming from an IT/technology perspective, it was so refreshing to hear about the intersection...
Well Attended Gender-Based Violence Information System Design Presentation at MERL Tech
A big thank you to our client, World Vision, and to Yeva Avakyan, Head of Gender and Inclusion at World Vision USA, for inviting Project Balance to participate in the recent panel sessions at MERL Tech and InterAction. We participated on the panels...
DAI and Project Balance launch the Haiti Health Information System project
Project Balance was contracted by DAI to support the USAID Health Information System Program in Haiti. We join the DAI project team to consolidate and integrate Haiti’s at-present disconnected health information assets to create a comprehensive...
Project Balance joins World Vision on MERL panel
Project Balance will be joining Yeva Avakyan, John Manda and Holta Trandafili from World Vision on a panel session at the MERL (Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning) Tech conference in Washington DC (September 7-8, 2017) to discuss the...